14 ways to Fear Not!

You’ve had times of doubting God’s promises and provision, which became fear or worry. God seemed distant. You wonder how He allowed you into your situation and wonder if He will do anything to get you out. Solutions are slim, and hope is elusive…you feel alone and bewildered, upset and tired of it. I know. I’ve been there…numerous times.

I’ve always come out of it though, and you can too. You probably saw this previous post, and want to know what God says about how to fear not. I always found some hope and strength in the Psalms, in fact, you could say I “camped” in the Psalms while in the mire of fear, and worry.

One of my favorite “camp sites” is Psalm 37:3-11 where 14 things are found to get you out of the pit of doubt where fear and worry seemed to grow. Look at the passage in your Bible, or click here

1) Trust in the LORD  this is a choice, you have to make the decision to trust Him. You trust the pilot in an airline flight whom you can’t see, you can trust the LORD God even more.

2) and do good. It’s easy to get vindictive and spiteful, or to crawl into a dark corner when in the mire of doubt and fear, but don’t stoop that low. Instead, do good things, like clean the house, help a neighbor, or volunteer, these are like therapy, and you will feel better. See 1 Timothy 6:17-19

3) Dwell where God has you. Dwell means to make a home there, to enjoy it, to be content, and to make the best of it because God put you there and He knows best. Philippians 4:11 is good to memorize, I did. Psalm 16:5 says that God gives you your portion in your cup, and maintains your lot. What you have and where you are, are because of God, for your good, and for His purposes. Don’t fight it. Live for Him to the fullest where you are, and with what you have, and without complaining. The grass is greener in your pasture, where you water and fertilize it. Find ways to serve God where He places you, don’t be wishing you were somewhere else.

4) Feed on His faithfulness. God is worthy of our trust, and will make sure we know that if we pay attention. Recall how God has been faithful to you in the past. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Hebrews 13:8  2 Thessalonians 3:3.  Recall how He has come through for you, and let that encourage, nourish, and strengthen you because He will do it again.

5) Delight yourself in the LORD. He will give you the desires of your heart. When you arrive at enjoying being godly, God will bless you with your desires because yours and His are the same. God is a good Father, Matthew 7:11 and He loves giving good gifts.

6) Commit your way to the LORD, trust Him, He will bring it to pass. See Proverbs 3:5-6. Be a good servant of God, commit to serving Him more than your selfish self, even in your job. Then put your trust in Him (which is faith), and what’s troubling you will soon pass. God works in seasons, rough times (winter) will end, good times (spring) will come. They always did for me.

7) He shall bring forth your righteousness…and your justice. As sure as the sun comes up each day, God will help you to do the right thing. So do it, don’t make excuses. It is always right to do the right thing, never right to do the wrong thing, and never wrong to do the right thing. If someone wrongs you, or does wrong and seems to get away with it, don’t let that bother you. God is a God of justice, so let Him deal with that person.

8) Rest in the LORD & wait patiently for Him. These two take self-discipline. 1 Peter 5:7 says we should cast all our burdens on Him, like putting a load on a pack horse. So do that, and get a good night’s sleep. Do your best and give God the rest, then get some rest. You have no reason to lose sleep over your issue! So rest knowing God is in control. Wait for God and His perfect timing and remember Gods timing is not your timing. Waiting is what we do between God’s promise and His fulfillment of that promise.

9) Do not fret. Don’t stew over things. Upload your worry to God. Don’t get caught in the trap of worrying. Don’t get all worked up into a lather about what is going on with other people, especially if they are doing better than you. Fretting only causes harm. It is a waste of time, takes you away from serving God, and it harms your Christian walk, reputation, relationships, and your health.

10) Cease from anger and forsake wrath. Don’t get angry, don’t get mad, don’t get revenge, don’t resort to wrath (outrage). Romans 8:28-29. God is in control, and will cause all things to work out for good if you love God and are called according to His purposes.

11) Fret not. Here it is again, same thing in reverse, this is a serious command! Fret means to gnaw at, and to burst into flame. Worry is like that, it gnaws on you from the inside and burns you up. So stop it! Jesus said the same thing 4 times in Matthew 6:25-34.

12) Wait on the LORD. Be patient. One of the reasons God allows trials is to teach us patience per James 1:3-4, and patience leads to being perfect and complete, lacking nothing…wouldn’t that be nice?!

13) The meek shall inherit the earth. Meek, not weak! Meek means humble. Humility means not being self-centered, but God-centered. Meek/humble people win in the end.

14) You will delight in the abundance of peace. And peace is the goal isn’t it!?

Peace is what you get

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