God’s Reasons and Description of Marriage #4

Marriage is best when you are most Christ-like.

Husbands, you are to “love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy…” Ephesians 5:25-27. The goal and standard for husbands is Jesus Christ.

If husbands want to know how to love their wife, Jesus’ love for us is the perfect starting point. Jesus’ goal and motivation for His bride, the church, is only what makes her more beautiful and more holy, inner beauty and purity and goodness that never fades or wrinkles.

Love-Your-Wife-According-to-the-BibleHaving troubles in your marriage? Not all God intends it to be? Study Jesus, and emulate Him. It will turn around for the positive: No self-centeredness, no bitterness, no clamor (yelling), no anger, no vindictiveness, no win at all cost; but be tenderhearted, selfless, serving, compassionate, caring, full of grace, listening, patient, kind, and giving of yourself, even if it hurts.

Read Ephesians chapter 5. Really try to do what it says, and you will see an improvement in your self, and your marriage.


“How wonderful to be loved by someone motivated to give you the best, committed to seeing you become all you were created to be, and willing to give everything to accomplish it.” ~Winston T. Smith , Marriage Matters book

If you want that for yourself: BE THAT to your Wife!



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