Does Your Marriage Need a Tune-up?

Most husbands seem to fall into one of two categories with their marriage…which describes you?

AorB   A) Probably feel loved, respected, fulfilled, appreciated, joyous, at peace, and satisfied. You are blessed. You look forward to coming home, to be with your Wife. You glorify God and honor Him (and your Wife) as your marriage continually improves.

B) Probably feel unappreciated, unfulfilled, disrespected, used, frustrated, discouraged, and maybe feel trapped in a sour marriage. You loathe coming home, and would rather hang out after work with the guys. You sense God’s disappointment in you, and are apathetic toward your stagnant or deteriorating marriage.

Guys, I have been in “B”, but can honestly say I’m now in “A”.  I found and followed God’s 5 commands for husbands: To love your Wife, dwell with her understandingly, lead her, honor her, and not be bitter toward her. I will explain how to do each of those shortly.

“Well you don’t know my Wife, she is the problem…” you say? I can tell you from experience, she won’t change until YOU DO. You are who God is pointing to as the problem if your marriage is closer to “B” than “A”, and He has the tune-up procedures you need to do. Let me put it this way: If your car is not running good, blaming the car does nothing, you get out your Owner’s Manual, or your Chilton’s or Hayes manual, and you give it a tune-up. You do. Your marriage has an Owner’s Manual too, and you can give it a “tune up” by following the 5 requirements in that manual (the Bible), just like there are 5 main requirements of a tune-up.

Like your car, God has 5 components of a marriage tune-up

Husbands, when you work at doing your role as God intended, you can have “Marriage A” above. If you neglect your role as God intends, you have, or will have “Marriage B”. The next posts will give advice and practical suggestions to accomplish those 5 requirements God has of you, so you can get to work.

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