The Decision Chart

Y Chart

The above decision making chart is a great decision making tool. I keep in my Bible, refer to often,and hand out copies. It takes a bit of explanation, but you can figure it out, especially when you look up the scripture passages. See, you go along in life along the timeline from left to right, and you come to a point where you need to make a decision (some times several times a day!) Either it will be a good decision generally pleasing to God which is obedient and toward heaven (upper blue) or a self centered decision generally disobedient or even sinful and toward hell (lower red).

Above the horizontal line is principle oriented and takes self discipline, and below the line is feelings oriented and starts moral decline.

Deciding to stay above the line starts hard but gets easier, and deciding to go below the line is easy at first, but then life gets harder.

Here is a pdf of the chart, feel free to download and print it for your toolbox:.Decision Chart

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